#29: earthquakes and windstorms and rain, oh my!
and i'm on billie eilish's close friends story
hello cutie friends!! for those that are in new york, kinda crazy to experience two earthquakes in one day huh! I have felt one other earthquake before in my life, and that was in salt lake in 2020, a very trippy feeling.
beyond that, I hope everyone is well and that this spring weather will stick around! bjørn and I did a tiramisu making class on sunday and it was lovely. the tiramisu was AMAZING!! i’ll make it for whoever wants sometime!

okay i’m not cool enough to be sponsored or have an affiliate link by any means, but I have been using prose shampoo and conditioner, its one of the personally formulated hair care companies. you take a quiz and tell them your hair goals and bada bing bada boom they send you whatever products you want and its formulated for your hair! and tbh I have really enjoyed it. I feel like the waves and curls of my hair are more defined and my hair has been feeling very healthy. I got the first round for 50% off, and I think they are still doing that deal. you can technically get a subscription to get that deal, and then cancel your subscription to see how you like things before you get more.
speaking of hair care, I *think* i’ve already recommended this before, but in case I havent, its important to recommend again. I have been using the multi-peptide hair density serum from the ordinary, and I truly feel like it has helped my hair feel denser! you use it nightly and it doesnt leave my hair greasy at all. it might be included in the sephora sale that is happening this month.
anyone have any recs for the sephora sale?
movies: a random array of movies this week. started out with a short film/long commercial for HP directed by olivia wilde starring margaret qualley called wake up. very weird. bjørn and I watched us, and I couldnt finish it, I was absolutely petrified, sobbed for like 20 minutes because of how scared I was… even talking about it to alyssa the next day made me sooooo spooked. and I can’t even place why exactly I got so scared. i’ve seen some scary movies before, not horror- I HATE horror, but have seen some scary movies and nothing has impacted me like this before… for movie church this month we are watching documentaries and this sunday we watched Wham! its a documentary about the group, it was nice, interesting to learn. and then sunday night, bjørn and I watched little miss sunshine, it has been on my list for awhile now and WOW I loved it! all the actors were so phenomenal, the dysfunctional family was charming, steve carrell is lovely, and the girl that plays olive was truly fantastic. I highly highly highly recommend!!
I will say that I am truly disappointed in the lack of movie options in theaters these days, I want to use my movie pass dang it!!
music: lizzy mcalpine came out with her newest album this week! (so did vampire weekend and conan gray, LOTS of new music to listen to) I have some basic thoughts on every song that i’ll share in the comments, but I will say that upon first listen I was like “yeah this is nice, but I think I like 5 seconds flat (her last album) better because that changed my life, but there are some nice songs on this album” and then upon second listen I was like “omg this is BEAUTIFUL, STUNNING, GORGEOUS. lizzy has done it again." it feels soooo mature. march made me cryyyy. I LOVE all falls down and I guess but I also really like elevator and older as well. her voice is perfection and it flows so nicely the whole time and every aspect is phenomenal.
broadway: alyssa and I saw merrily we roll along again because daniel radcliffe was out for a day and tickets ended up being discounted and WOW truly phenomenal again, might be one of my favorite shows ever!
in my mind: still reading water for elephants and i’m liking it. I have lots of books to get reading, so I need to get on that!!
in my stomach: trader joes has a lot of lemon products this spring. I like the lemon madeleines (surprise surprise). one day I would love to do a favorite trader joe’s products round up for yall
I dont know what came over me but at the end of march I had the goal to run a mile a day in the month of april. I run about an 11-12 min mile and I am really bad at exercising consistently and I thought to myself “I can take 15 minutes out of my day and run a mile” and for the first 5 days I did indeed do that! its funny, the first day I ran the fastest and the rest of the days I ran slower hahah, maybe day 1 I was on a high or something. but alas, the running didnt last too long because on saturday while at ikea my knee truly started to KILL me. I had a hard time bending it and was just struggling walking, so I took a break saturday and sunday and i’m hoping I can run today or at least tomorrow. I need to make up some of the miles and i’ll have to do like 1.5 miles a day for a little bit. i know I have complained about this before, but it is incredibly frustrating feeling like your body can fail you at any moment, especially when i’m trying to treat it well. but this week I am going to do better at trying to strengthen my legs and knees and hopefully that will help me on this endeavor this month.
pinterest: this cat 🤝 me; summer outfit vibes; a darling bracelet
instagram: THIS POST FROM LIZZY’S BF MADE ME CRY, literally sooooo sweet; truly living for this collab; I love following this influencer, shes so cute and bubbly; my mind every day
looking forward to getting lots of school work done (I can’t believe I just said that, but if I get stuff done, i’m closer to this year ending!!!)
hope you all have a productive week!!
your big sis, kaitlynn
thoughts on lizzy's album:
elevator- the perfect beginning
come down soon- love that it transitions so smoothly from elevator
like it tends to do- reminds me of a friend breakup, I started to feel existential haha
movie star- this is so sweet and so vulnerable. love the lyrical transition
all falls down- first listen it was my fav, and I still think it is. love the brass. and the riffs
staying- gorgeous
I guess- reallyyyyyy like this song too top song for sure
drunk running- her voice 🤌🏻🤌🏻🤌🏻
broken glass- wowie. love the build up
you forced me to- the piano music that almost sounds like a carnival/circus omg
older- I mean we already know how beautiful it is
better than this- umm okay this is my brain and my thoughts
march- this is so sweet 😭😭😭
vortex- woof ouchie
Ooh, I haven't tried the lemon madeline's at Trader's, so I'll have to get on that!...but have you tried the frozen lemon squares?! You're supposed to let them thaw but it's actually fine to eat them right out of the freezer and I actually like them better that way...soooooo delish! 🤤